

Sterile, single-use filiform acupuncture needles are used for every session. These needles are solid and, therefore, can be significantly thinner than any syringe needle. Similar to the diameter of a hair, acupuncture needles are just a tool stimulate circulation and communication in the body. During a treatment it is common to feel dull, achy, or throbbing sensations as circulation is stimulated, if anything feels sharp, too strong, or uncomfortable at any time, let us know and we will fix it. As your session continues on, its common for you to feel more relaxed and many take a nap.

Manual Therapy

Manual Therapy includes a variety of non-insertive techniques to address mostly pain related concerns. Cupping, Tuina, Gua Sha, and Acupressure techniques are used to more directly manipulate the muscular and physical structures of the body when needed. These treatments are not to be confused with a traditional relaxation massage. Manual therapy is included in an Acupuncture session when needed, without added cost. Manual therapy is also offered as a stand alone, without acupuncture, for those who need it.

Non-Insertive Techniques

Magnets, Pressballs, and other Acupressure techniques are effective treatment modalities and can help you heal tremendously. Whether you are apprehensive about needles or thinking about a more gentle treatment approach for you or a loved one, non-insertive techniques are worth exploring. We work within your comfort level and communicate the best course of action for your situation.